Thursday, February 21, 2008

Archie vs Spider-Man


Spiderman was swinging and suddenly a knife was thrown at him. `` What the crap!?”Spiderman yelled. `` ARCHIE did it” yelled Jug Head knowing he done it. `` Alright I’m going to have to go WWE SmackDown! on some body!”Spider-Man yelled.

`` Ha Ha Ha Ha !” Jug Head yelled. Archie picked up the knife and swung at Spiderman. Archie was then kicked. Spiderman swung a web and pulled the knife away. Archie started pounding Spiderman .

``I don’t think so . “ Spider-Man said. And he then kicked Archie in the head. `` Ow ! “ Yelled Archie. `` Oh , I’m sorry. Do you want to go get some ice cream and say it was a draw? Spider-Man said.

the end
tomorrow is Jason vs Venom.

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