Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jason vs Venom

j a s o n

There have been thousands of killings on the day Friday the 13. `` We know who done this.” Venom said. `` Who exactly? Asked the police officers. `` Jason Voorhees “Venom said.

``that’s just a myth.” said the Police officer. Suddenly the man had his head chopped off. `` You are mine!” Venom yelled. As Venom and Jason fought peopled ran and cried. `` Cococchchch.” whispered Jason.

Venom grabbed Jason grabbed by his head and slammed him. Jason then cut Venom’s arm off. Venom laughed and grew his arm back. Jason stabbed Venom. Venom punched Jason’s head.

Venom jumped and got slammed. Then Jason stabbed venom in the head 3 times and through him in the lake.

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